Afghanistan - reports

Afghanistan as never seen !

Omid Bidar (Globalvoices) - july 25th 2012
The decades of war and terrorism have placed Afghanistan among the world's most dangerous countries. Despite the progress made by the country since the ousting of the Taliban in 2001, most media writing about Afghanistan focus stubbornly on negative issues such as bomb blasts, suicide attacks...

The decades of war and terrorism have placed Afghanistan among the world's most dangerous countries. Despite the progress made by the country since the ousting of the Taliban in 2001, most media writing about Afghanistan focus stubbornly on negative issues such as bomb blasts, suicide attacks, and casualties. Reports in such media feature terrifying pictures that lead most people to never want to visit the war-torn but very beautiful country.

This is why the work of Antony Loveless, a freelance British journalist and photographer, makes so much difference. Since March 2012, Loveless has been posting photos from his trips to Afghanistan on Twitter, using the hashtag he invented, #TheAfghanistanYouNeverSee.

Speaking to Global Voices about the hashtag, Loveless said:

I have a portfolio of over 2,000 images shot on three trips to Afghanistan in recent years and to keep track of them, I conceived of the rather unwieldy hashtag [#TheAfghanistanYouNeverSee].

The Girl in the Lake. Taking a dip to stay cool under the unforgiving midday sun. Image by Antony Loveless, used with permission.

Afghanistan's 'green zone', a stretch of fertile, cultivated ground along the Helmand River Valley. Image by Antony Loveless, used with permission.

The stunning beauty of Kajaki Lake in southern Afghanistan, seen from a Royal Air Force Chinook. Image by Antony Loveless, used with permission.

Local children ready to chat to Paras leaving the Helicopter Landing Site. Image by Alex Ford, used with permission.

Afghan kids with UNICEF-donated books and pens in a classroom. Image by Alex Ford, used with permission.

An Afghan child seems ready to be on camera. Image by Steve Blake, used with permission.

Collective wedding organized for tens of couples in Daikundi, central Afghanistan. Collective weddings have becoming very popular in the country because they help lessen the cost of wedding for each individual family. Image by Iqbal Ahmad Oruzgani, used with permission.

Young Afghan girls reading a school book in front of a closed shop. Image by Iqbal Ahmad Oruzgani, used with permission.

Winter in Behsud District of Maidan Wardak Province. Image by Iqbal Ahmad Oruzgani, used with permission.

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