23-02-2012 17:21:38

Aluna, a pop star in Laos

How do you become a pop star in a communist country? Aluna, who lives in a land of traditions, is an exception. She is 32 years-old, unmarried (which is quite uncommon there) and has her own life firmly in hand.

Reports Hélios Molina, Laos - Translation Marion Mauget (Spain)

She is 32 years-old and fans are shouting all over. It is 2012 in Vientiane, Laos’ capital city, a town with a provincial look. Aluna comes from a middle-class family in a Communist country (her mother was educated in England), she studied marketing in Australia and so is not a gullible beginner. First of all, she is unmarried, which is quite uncommon there! In 2005, she had a secret dream: to sing and go on stage. "I wanted to escape a “typical” life and I discovered my dream in Paris, on the 21th of June, during the music festival Fête de la Musique. I had been travelling in Europe for three months. And the 21th of June is also my birthday". Starting then, the young woman starts taking music studies more seriously and embarks on an adventure. She co-produces three albums, all with a local feel spirit: the "business side of R&B". In other words, a commercial approach to try to break into the small country’s music market. Because in Laos, you can’t depend on CD’s sales: everything is counterfeited. So, how does a Laotian pop star make a living? By performing in festivals from October to April: Aluna manages to perform around twenty concerts per year and receives $700 for herself and her five musicians. What about the lyrics? Her first album talks about love. The second attempts a slightly more social approach and talks about human rights. But before doing anything you have to send the text to the Ministry of Culture, which decides whether to give the green light or not.  "You don’t talk about politics, that’s all!", says Aluna unworried about current censorship. She also adds that Korea is the country that influences Laotian youth. What about her new interests? Lao Bit, a new sound that mixes traditional music and a touch of modernity in one song, "Instant". Because Aluna is neither a rich little daddy’s girl nor a Barbie doll created by the multinationals!

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