Miami - USA - music

Is it possible to produce Latin music and be successful in Miami without the powerful Estefans?

Hélios Molina - Translation Marion Mauget- José Pietri - 22/03/2012
You probably know the beautiful voice of Gloria Estefan (100 million albums sold worldwide), a Cuban-American celebrity from Miami whose album, "Mi tierra", propelled her to stardom. Her husband Emilio Estefan, known as "el padrino" (the godfather), more discreet, is a key reference in World music.

Is it possible to do successful Latino music without going to Miami? The answer is rather simple. You probably know the beautiful voice of Gloria Estefan (100 million albums sold worldwide), a famous Cuban-American from Miami, whose album, "Mi tierra", propelled her to stardom. Her husband Emilio Estefan, "el padrino" -as everybody calls him in Florida with a little smile on their faces- is nonetheless a power to be reckoned with in World music. He was the one to thank for the success of Ricky Martin, as well as Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony and many more. Our fellow musician "Mercado" tells us that this producer brings in about $750 million. The couple owns several restaurants and hotels in Florida’s capital city, including several mansions and they are also big shareholders in the Miami Dolphins football team. Moreover, Emilio is the father of the Latin Grammy Awards. In other words, it is impossible to pursue an international and commercially successful career without the Estefan family. They also have a great address book in Washington.

"They are both a key reference in politics and music"

Even President Obama goes to the couple’s private parties to raise funds for his campaign whenever he goes to Florida. Each couple pays $30,000 to attend one of these parties. They are both a key reference in politics and music. The "San Francisco Sur", an online newspaper in California, refers to them as "the Estefan family’s mafia in Miami", and explains that they are making enemies among the Cuban community for supporting the Democrats. Also called "King Midas of Latino music", Emilio Estefan is nonetheless a self-made man as many Americans appreciate. The "San Francisco Sur" also adds that no one would dare to publicly criticize them. Only one person, Manolin, a Cuban singer-songwriter, known as "médico de la salsa", complained about how he was treated by the couple. Afterwards, Florida radios stopped broadcasting his albums. You don’t criticize the power of the almighty, you only whisper innuendos. Nevertheless, everybody acknowledges Emilio gifts as a talent scout and pioneer.

"The important artists are, of course, chosen by the Estefans"

Interview with Sergio Giral, Cuban-American filmmaker in Miami

Micmag: Is it possible to produce Latino music and make yourself known without the help of the Estefans?

Sergio Giral: The important artists are, of course, chosen by the Estefans. But many musicians don’t have any relation with them. Miami is a Cuban city, it is a musical city.

M: Some use the word "mafia" to refer to the Estefans. What is your opinion on that?

S. G.: Big record labels are like mafia families. We are talking about big amounts of money and it’s all mixed up with art. It is a very peculiar world.

M: Is it easy to approach them?

S. G.: I don’t know them personally, but it is very difficult. As for all these kind of people, there are a lot of intermediaries.

M: What did the Cuban community think about the Estefans supporting Obama?

S. G.: Obama was elected president thanks to Florida’s support. Miami’s middle class is not unhappy about him. Among other things, he helped to find ways to send money from here to the families in Cuba. But the old Cuban generation of exiles is still Republican. It has been like this since the time of the Bay of Pig’s attempt, when Kennedy decided not to support this choice.

Interview by Hélios Molina

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