05-01-2012 17:28:21

Eric Maréchal or the Street Art Without Borders !

Eric Maréchal, street artist without borders, is a great specialist of this street phenomenon. From Sao Paulo to Japan, he travels all over the world to meet with those that are attracted by the ephemerality and the vulnerability of art. A real trip on the walls!

A Micmag article - Photos Eric Maréchal (Paris)-Translation Marion Mauget (Granada-Spain) and Jamie Taylor (U.K)


Whether it is in a Parisian district or in a street from Sao Paulo, urban artwork, unknown up until now, emerges on the walls… It is called Street Art, it comes from all over the world and it has a similar signature nearby or directly on the pieces: Street Art Without Borders…

Who is hiding behind this assertion of an urban art without borders?

It is after promoting the urban art through a series of exhibitions and conference meetings in France, Mexico and Japan that Eric Maréchal, photographer, wished to get more actively involved in the diffusion of urban art. To do so, he offered artists from all over the world to make their work travel by pasting it on the walls of foreign cities. That is how he ended up pasting works from 330 artists from 34 different countries in Paris, Sao Paulo, Rio, Salvador, Tokyo, Seoul, Bristol, Naples, Berlin and even Cuba’s walls…22 cities altogether. The two countries most represented by the project “Street Art Without Borders” are Brazil ― with over a hundred artists― and France ―80 artists. Some of these well known artists, such as Speedy Graphito in France or Ozi in Brazil, are now mixing with other artists that had never been on the street before. It is a true story of the diversity, the creativity and the quality of this living form of contemporary art that Eric Maréchal qualifies as “urban poetic”. The project’s next step will be to organize exhibitions with the pictures taken during the pasting. The idea is to display those pictures next to original works from the same artists. This way, the public will be able to enjoy both the quality of the original work and the work in its urban context.

See thousands of pictures taken by Eric Maréchal during the project: www.flickr/photos/urbanhearts/ and www.urbanhearts.com

Also see our article on Mister Bansky: http://www.micmag.net/fr/photo-cine/56-prise-dassaut-des-murs-

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