paris, France - soap box

Micmag: The Adventure of Our Magazine Taking Off

Hélios Molina, Translation Amélie Lacroix - OCTOBER 13, 2012
Our readers expressed the need to know where the Micmag adventure is heading since its official web launch in January 2011. So what do we offer you? Progress, adventures & encounters. Micmag, underneath it all, has a smile, the need to share and a desire to break the ice. And it’s your turn to act now!
Paris lovers-Montmartre © Hélios Molina

At first, Micmag was a simple magazine on cultural news, unpretentious, translated in different languages with the available means. It was with the good will and volunteering of numerous people that this e-magazine could truly grow stronger and not to say, internationalize. In total, Micmag is now composed of more than forty contributors who helped making it what it is today.

Furthermore to mention in this adventure, is the key work of a small and loyal Parisian group, made of web technicians, graphic designers, journalists, press officers, journalist citizens, photographers, art critics, video directors, etc. This led to the eventual establishment of the movement abroad by foreign contacts in Brazil, Argentina, Spain (where Micmag was made official), United States, Canada, England, Mexico, etc. The need to communicate from one continent to another was felt and this, in many languages, various fields and diverse arts. We were able to see a strong attraction for Latin America in Europe. The European appeal for Brazil, and vice-versa! In Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and many other countries, people are curious to know what is going on in Europe (particularly in France and Spain).
The world of culture of the Latin countries seems to turn its backs on the English-speaking model that dominated the planet during many years. Micmag is clearly heading in this direction, though without denying its Anglophone friends, by associating to the remarkable media partner in the US that is

Micmag creates a media center
The magazine has always managed to gather a critical media center with modest means: Culturamas in Madrid, periodistas in españ (Madrid), (USA), (Paris), (Sao Paulo), (Puerto Rico), (Paris), (London). The idea is to exchange articles and findings and in a near future to try to unite talents for enquiries or reports that could be far more striking.

Micmag: an ambitious magazine
Our magazine is opening up to documentaries with its upcoming TV column; hoping to become a distributor and producer of its own author films, but also to be able to show the projects of others.
Micmag will open up to classified ads for musicians, apartment rentals, carpooling, etc. We are preparing to publish the works of photographers as well as the opening of a gallery.

Facebook relay station for show invites
It is impossible to ignore Facebook (despite our reluctance). Our most important Facebook page ‘micmag net’ gathers our information and our show invites. We publish there the articles that you cannot find in the magazine, the deals, pictures, etc. A small piece of advice: if you want to benefit from our deals, visit regularly!

External Support Makes All the Difference
Without you, your feedback or your enthusiasm, we would be very little! All your ideas are welcome, as much as your financial support. Unfortunately, we cannot avoid the money talk, so if you wish to help us, please visit our link:

We need you to face the different tasks needed for an evolving and an in vogue website. Dear readers, it’s your turn to act!

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