Florida -USA - Free speech

Not all "latinos" from Florida voted for Trump!

Rene L C Torres - November 9th 2016
The sad thing is that my own family came here because of the tyranny at play in Cuba. Yet many of my own family seem quite happy to vote for a potential tyrant out of disregard for a person who has tried with normal human failing to make a difference.
PHOTO: Clinton supporters in shock in New York. (REUTERS: Carlos Barria)

I have been watching the election results and it does not look good for Hilary. That does not surprise me for Americans don't really understand what it is to live without freedom or to lack basic necessities. They have always taken it for granted that the United States is immune to the woes of the planet. Those problems only happen in banana republics but the only problem is that we are becoming such a place.

The only problem with that thinking may be easily explained in a future not too far away. I am rather distraught that idiots and crooks get re-elected here without vetting with the support of the Christian right wing and those with unlimited bank accounts and deep seated agendas. The truth may lie in the education or lack of education in this country. The ignorance index ranks the US as second to Italy in the world. We rank 24th in literacy, 17th in educational performance, 54th in educational expenditures and it goes on and on. We seem to be working on keeping the working classes hopeful of success through populist’s methods such as lotteries and realities TV shows.

What we are living through is an era of deceit where we tell our people we are number one when haven't been in years, if ever.

The sad thing is that my own family came here because of the tyranny at play in Cuba. Yet many of my own family seem quite happy to vote for a potential tyrant out of disregard for a person who has tried with normal human failing to make a difference. I wonder if all this turns out for Trump tomorrow if Cuba might seem the lesser of the evils.

It is hard to figure out. I may be a fool for writing this tonight but what is the purpose of the technology if not to use it. I hope I am temporarily proven wrong. I just can’t imagine a heartless country where half of the people think that you are a heathen for your choice. This is exactly where I live today.

Rene L C Torres from Florida

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