Mexico D.F. - 

Mexico Recaptures El Chapo Guzmán. But Is it Mission Accomplished?

Written by Elizabeth Translated by Elizabeth (Globalvoices) - 
For the third time, Mexican authorities have captured one of the most wanted drug dealers and powerful men in the world: Joaquín Guzmán Loera, aka ‘El Chapo’. Guzman Loera is accused of organized crime, crimes against public health and several murders.

For the third time, Mexican authorities have captured one of the most wanted drug dealers and powerful men in the world: Joaquín Guzmán Loera, aka ‘El Chapo’. Guzman Loera is accused of organized crime, crimes against public health and several murders.

The arrest took place in Los Mochis, a coastal city in his home state of Sinaloa, after a shootout with Mexican marines that claimed the lives of five gunmen and left an officer wounded.

A rocket launcher, weapons and armored vehicles were confiscated.

At least two Mexican marines had died in clashes with El Chapo's men since the beginning of 2016 while according to some estimates the country's ‘drug wars’ have claimed more lives than conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan combined in recent years.

El Chapo made his second prison break through a 1.5 kilometre tunnel dug from his shower on July 11.

His first escape was from the Puente Grande jail in 2001, supposedly in a laundry cart.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, whose credibility had taken a hard blow after the drug lord's most recent escape, announced the arrest on his official Twitter account.

Washington even offered a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture, trumping the $3.8 million the Mexican government had already offered.

On September 9 the Mexican attorney general's office said in a statement that since Guzman Loera has been recaptured “extradition [to the U.S] proceedings should begin.”

Meanwhile, the US Drug Enforcement Agency's spokesman Lawerence Payne affirmed that “it is a great day for justice and the objectives of Mexico and the USA.

There were also others who wondered how this determination by the authorities to recapture El Chapo was absent in relation to other crimes, including the mass abduction of students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College in 2014.

See also in Micmag : 

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