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Jeff Lynne’s ELO: ‘Wembley or Bust’ Book

Marie Torres - 22 novembre 2021
Marking the 50th anniversary of ELO’s formation, and 3 years since the stunning Wembley concert, Genesis Publications have released the bookstore trade edition of Jeff Lynne’s book, Wembley Or Bust.

« It means so much to me to release this book during the 50th anniversary of ELO, and three years on from our Wembley Or Bust concert. It was an unforgettable night and I’m excited to relive it with all of you again inside these pages. »

a massive concert event in front of a capacity crowd of 60,000 fans

Wembley Stadium, London on 24 June 2017. Jeff Lynne and his twelve musicians took the stage at the iconic Wembley Stadium for a massive concert event in front of a capacity crowd of 60,000 fans. The band performed his most extensive set list to date for over two hours : Evil Woman, When I Was a Boy, Last Train to London, Telephon Line...

The book that has just been published, Wembley or Bust - Jeff Lynne's ELO, tells this exceptional concert with more than 200 magnificent photos and an exceptional guide, Jeff Lynne, himself. It is he who leads us behind the scenes of Wembley, who tells us the story behind the concert and confides to us his feelings.

Before the concert: « The only thing I'm nervous about before a show is my voice. I'm not scared of performing the songs or anything like that, It's just "can my throat hold out for the whole thing? »

«... We got three generations in the audience, and that's fantastic.»

During the concert:« [...] I was looking at them just shouting and singing to all the songs, and thinking : "I can't believe this". I was thrilled with it. »

After the concert: «  When I watched the movie footage back, I looked at the audience a lot and saw there were so many kids there, and lots of youg people in ther mid-thirties - my kids'age. There were loads of older people (or may be a bit younger !) and when you see the audience in the movie, all their faces are beaming , I love it. We got three generations in the audience, and that's fantastic

A really beautiful book by the quality of its photos and by the very moving comments by the one who, for more than 50 years, has been working for music whether through groups of the 60s, such as The Move, or later Electric Light Orchestra but also with The Beatles and the super group, The Traveling Wilburys...

A very nice Christmas gift.

See also :

In french, here

Jeff Lynne’s Electric Light Orchestra « Wembley or Bust »

Jeff Lynne, une des figures les plus iconiques de l’histoire de la musique

L'histoire de « Mr Blue Sky », le titre d'Electric Light Orchestra qui rend heureux

« From Out Of Nowhere » : Un nouveau trip dans l’univers de Jeff Lynne !

The Traveling Wilburys, cinq musiciens talentueux

Jeff Lynne'Electric Light Orchestra France

Jeff Lynne's ELO France

Marie Torres pour www.micmag.net
Wembley or Bust
Jeff Lynne
Genesis Publications Novembre 2021
12,00 euros

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