Latin America - 

Latin American Art Show in Italy Promotes Compassion for Refugees and Immigrants

Written by Carlos Esteban Cana - Translated by Rhea Page (Globalvoices) - November 3
The project was put together by Progetto 7LUNE, a group of volunteers who aim to share contemporary Hispanic-American culture throughout Italy through free digital postcards, readings, poems and cultural events.

The exhibition has touched a lot of people. Photo used with permission. Photo courtesy Progetto 7LUNE.

The touring exhibition “MigrArte Postale” leaves its visitors feeling far from apathetic. Through the medium of acrylic, oil, collage, digital art and photography, the project explores the issue of immigration with 125 art postcards by 96 artists from 14 countries.

The exhibition is currently being displayed in a variety of locations and cultural events all over Italy. The project was put together by Progetto 7LUNE, a group of volunteers who aim to share contemporary Hispanic-American culture throughout Italy through free digital postcards, readings, poems and cultural events. Each postcard also contains a small poem written by the artist.

We spoke with Venetian writer and cultural manager Silvia Favaretto, who runs Progretto 7Lune along with her husband Daniele Rubin.

Global Voices (GV) : How did MigrArte begin? What was the inspiration behind the project?

Silvia Favaretto (SF) : "It was the leader of our Arts section, Carmen Parada, a Mexican painter, who came up with the idea for the project. She suggested that we do some work based on Mail Art, and we decided that immigration was a very pressing issue that really needed to be represented."

GV : Why did you choose the postcard format?

SF : "Postcards make journeys thousands of miles long, bundled in big post bags in order to get to their destination, just like our migrant brothers and sisters. We couldn't resist the metaphor".

GV : Which countries are represented in the exhibition?

SF : "Thirteen countries from Latin America — Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia; Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Mexico, Venezuela, Uruguay — and Spain. It was a shame we didn't receive any testimonies from such important countries as Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Peru, Dominican Republic and Paraguay".

GV : Which places or cultural events has MigrArte been displayed at?

SF : "In many festivals in Venice and other Italian cities, such as the Festival of Arts in Giudecca, the Rassegna Isole in rete, the World Youth Forum in Trieste, etc. The exhibitions aren't over yet, and we are still accepting suggestions".

GV : What did you use to put up the exhibition? One hundred and twenty-five postcards is a considerable amount. What materials were involved?

SF : "Depending on the place hosting us, we would hang up the postcards using clothespins on pieces of rope like a clothes line; or we would use a ‘migrant tree,’ a sculpture made by my father, Maurizio Favaretto, with the postcards hanging like leaves. We don't receive funding, we adapt to what is needed using what we have available and people's good will".

GV : What has been the public's reaction to the postcards?

SF : "It's been wonderful to see: mostly amazement, curiosity and congratulations".

GV : Some people might have reservations in addressing such a complex and current issue as what's presented in the postcards. What would you say to them?

SF : "We don't believe that the images on the news of dead children and boats full of despairing people are effective in communicating a message of tolerance and integration. The images are frustrating and sad, sometimes even repulsive. The postcards, on the other hand, attract attention because of their colors and shapes and they invite you to reflect, they open your mind, they encourage us to welcome one another with open arms".

GV : Did Progetto 7LUNE receive any sort of financial support to make MigrArte Postale possible?

SF : "None, which did make it difficult to accept invitations for cities which are far away as we use our own wages as school teachers to pay for our trips".

GV : What are your future plans for this touring exhibition?

SF : "To visit all the places we can with the resources we have, and perhaps find funding to make a paper catalog and be able to afford the costs to send them to each of the 97 participating artists".

GV : Is there an online space where people from all corners of the world can see MigrArte Postale and learn more about who's involved?

SF : "Of course, we have a website, a blog and a link where you can download the virtual catalog for free".

GV : What is Progetto 7Lune aspiring to do with this project?

SF : "Progetto 7Lune is hoping to share contemporary Hispanic-American art, poetry and culture in Italy. We believe that the art which is being created in Latin America deserves to be known over here, for its positive energy, its boldness, its strength".

GV : Can Art — with a capital A — change lives? Stir consciences? And as a result, make the world a better place for everyone?

SF : "Of course. Art is beauty and knowledge, a reflection of our fears and desires. Fear and desire is what most deeply moves a human being to make changes. Shock is a powerful weapon towards change. The only weapon worth making a bet on".

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