Bordeaux - 

Travel with Micmag: A stay between the sea and the Bordeaux wine region

Béatrice Craveaneau-Translation Mauro Hernandez - Micmag - May 2013

In the basin of Arcachon, gastronomy combines sea food and regional products. That way, crabs, cockles, shells, prawns, clams and oysters —the all-time pearl— go hand in hand with liver pâté and duck steak, including the reputed Bordeaux wine. Béatrice will make you share her passion.

Photo de Saint Emilion


 The Basin of Arcachon is a 156-km bay in the south of Bordeaux, a city known for its art and history. It is one hour’s drive from the vineyards of the famous medieval town of St. Emilion and the Lafite-Rothschild castle. Lying between the ocean and the dune, it stretches like a giant water-color faded by the salt water. It is a magnificent curb of the Atlantic shore, stripped bare twice a day as the ocean sweeps 370 billion cubic meters of water in each flow. The Basin is also home to Pina, the tallest dune in Europe, and it has been welcoming oyster farmers as well as holiday-makers since Napoleon III and Princess Eugene’s visit to Arcachon in 1859. Known as winter city, its architectural landscape includes oriental and colonial villas which sit amid palm trees and strawberry trees, bringing to mind images of imperial France.

 The Basin is also a collection of fifteen boroughs, each with its own port featuring colourful cabins and moored barges as a sign of passion for oyster farming.  The Isle of birds, the village of Herbs, built similarly to those in Louisiana, bird reserves, inhabited by hundreds of bird species, and the Banc d’Arguin can be reached by pinnace, the region’s typical vessel and the only means of aquatic transport to immerse into its maritime universe.

 Likewise, on board lunch is available during the pinnace ride. Another possibility is to go up the Leyre River, its fresh water flowing into this magical triangle. The last stop-over, the border between the cities of Teste-de-Buch and Arcachon, includes a visit to White Rabbit and Claude and Dominic’s log cabin, a dream spot with a terrace where cockles, prawns, crabs and the best oysters in the world are served.


Whether you come in pairs, with friends, as a family or in small groups, Micmag will make you discover the gastronomy and the culture of one of the most incredible French regions. During two or three days, you will experience the passion of the locals and their region.


For more information, please write to:

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 And Béatrice will be happy to provide further details.

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